Are You Ready To Take The Next Step On Your Path?

Are you ready to take the next step in your life but have some uncertainty about moving forward? Perhaps you have some resistance about advancing in your career. Maybe you are concerned about taking a personal relationship to the next level or leaving one that no longer works for you. You might be thinking about to moving to a new location but fear of the unknown is stopping you.

Are you having difficulty knowing what steps you need to take or how or when to make them in order to create the changes you are looking for?

Next steps can be in any area of your life and next steps can be scary. You’ll know if you are ready to make changes if you are feeling uncomfortable or unhappy with the status quo in any area(s) of your life. It may be clear to you what your next step is or perhaps you simply have the feeling that there must be something greater that you are working towards in your life but aren’t sure what that is. When the sameness and security of everyday is making you uncomfortable, then its probably time to make a change and step up and into your potential.

Next steps are how you grow as a spirit!

Spiritual growth is one of the main reasons we are here on the planet. Next steps can be scary but the growth that occurs when you get out of your comfort zone and live your life by taking your next step is incredibly powerful and fulfilling.  There is a great quote by Earl Nightingale, he said “Most people tiptoe their way though their life, hoping to make it safely to death.”  How do you want to live the rest of your life? In the safety of sameness, or living life though the joy creating new experiences?

The result of getting a next step healing is that it brings what you are trying to create into present time so that you can actually take your next step and create it from a place of clarity. To get you started on your path, I have a September Healing Special: $50.00 for a 30 minute Next Step Healing. 

In this next step healing you will receive a healing and communication on:

  • Energy that may be getting in the way of you taking your next step and clearing that energy.
  • Updating agreements with family members who have a vested interest in you taking or not taking your next step. 
  • Ground the energy around that next step so you can move forward in your life. 

All sessions are via the phone or video conferencing. Click here to schedule your Next Step Healing or for more information.