Healing Family Agreements

November Healing Special   
Healing Family Agreements 

There’s nothing like the holidays and spending time with family to trigger one’s emotions. 

Family members are some of our biggest teachers. Forgiving past hurts inflicted by family members, forgiving yourself and updating family agreements are all incredibly freeing and healing. It also can remove some of the stress you feel when you are around your family. 

Spiritual Agreements made with family members can cause blocks or resistance to moving forward in your life. These agreements are typically made a long time ago and can be out of alignment with what you want to create for yourself in present time. 

Agreements can affect your relationships, who you choose as your friends or partners, how much wealth you can acquire and what you do with your wealth and how successful you become in your life. Those are just a few examples and everyone’s agreements will be specific to them. Updating spiritual agreements with family gives you tremendous freedom in your life to expand and create.

With the holidays fast approaching it’s a great time to heal agreements with family members. Whether or not you are spending time with family this holiday season, everyone can benefit from receiving a family healing. 

Are you ready to heal family agreements and create more spiritual freedom for yourself? November Healing special: 

$50.00 for a 30 minute healing on your family agreements. This healing can be done on the phone, or via video conferencing in the US or abroad.  Click here to schedule your session or for more information .

