This series consists of two classes per month for six months.
The outline below covers what you will learn:
- Use tools to bring your physical and spiritual bodies into present time. This is important because present time is the space you use when creating.
- Protect and read your own energy.
- Run your earth and cosmic energy through your energetic channels to clear programming and blocked or stuck energies out of your body and chakras.
- Find neutrality by bringing your awareness into the center of your head and using this space to read energy clairvoyantly.
- Use timelines to heal past energies, traumas and events you are stuck in and clear energy from past lives.
- Remove energetic cords and the pictures in which they came. Learn more about your chakras.
- Use the creative process and manifesting tools to create what you want in your life. This is a really powerful class.
- Ground and clear your female energy, access your female personal power and female creative energy.
- Separate your energy from others and create a space to move people into so you are not so affected by their energy.
- Meet one of your guides called a Healing Master. Learn how to work with this guide.
This work focuses on helping you be senior in your body, to own your personal power and clear foreign energy out of your space that keeps you stuck. When you are senior in your space, you can create anything, you are in the driver’s seat of your life instead of being driven.
Each class builds on the next. If you can’t attend a class, it will be recorded so you can watch it at your convenience.
If you are interested or have questions, please let me know. If you know someone who might want to join, please have them email me and I will set up a time to talk with them about the series to see if they would be a fit. If you refer someone to this class and they sign up, you get your first class free, that’s a 100 dollar value.
To learn more about the program, please join my Q and A Zoom video call on Wednesday January 15th at 6:30 p.m., PT or Saturday January 18th at 9:00 a.m., PT. Click here to receive a link for the free Zoom Q and A or to ask questions. Please specify your preferred Zoom date.
This series is designed for women as the work focuses on healing energies specific to the female body.
The cost for the series is $200 per month for two, 2-hour classes.
The fee can be paid monthly or per class.