February Relationship Healing Special
The Latin word for February is Februarius, meaning to “purify” or “expiate.” February is also the second month of the year in which numerology holds a two vibration which signifies partnership. This means that February is a great month to heal a current or past relationship.
Everyone has a relationship that can use a healing. It could be a relationship with a romantic partner, a business partner, a friend or family member, even the relationship with yourself.
When you hold onto energy of past hurts from relationships or there is miscommunication that doesn’t get resolved or you sit in judgements from people that cause you pain, that energy creates blocks in your body and aura. That blocked energy in your body can cause discomfort or even illnesses and disease. It can also keep you from creating a new healthy relationship if the energy doesn’t get cleared from that relationship space.
In this month’s healing special, receive;
– Communication and healing on a relationship you wish to heal.
– Assistance in releasing the energy of the relationship out of your body and aura that you are ready to release.
– Update your spiritual agreements with this person.
– A healing on the space outside of you where the energy of this relationship is held.
February Special:$50.00 for a 30 minute relationship healing via phone or telecommunication anywhere in the world. Click hereto book for for more information.